Swimming pools provide an environment to both relax and to have fun, but they do not come without risks. However, there are some ways you can decrease the chances of accidents occurring around your pool:
Surround your pool area with a self-latching fence to prevent people from unintentionally falling into your pool. This will also help stop young children from getting into the pool unattended.
Install a pool alarm to be alerted each time someone enters the pool. Most surface wave detection pool alarms are mounted to the deck or float on the water’s surface. It is triggered by waves when a person or animal has fallen into the water. This will also help prevent accidents if someone enters the pool without permission or supervision.
Keep swimmers safe and healthy by maintaining a clean pool and ensuring that the water is treated, circulated, and filtered regularly. This will help reduce the risk of ear infections, rashes, and other pool-related ailments.
Chemicals are used to keep your pool clean, but too many chemicals can be harmful. Check the chemical levels in your pool regularly to make sure they are at a safe level. If you find that the levels are too high, stop adding the chemical and add a neutralizing chemical to the water. Replace some of the current pool water with fresh, untreated water.
Have some general rules that you, as well as guests, should follow when swimming in your pool. Some basic rules may include no diving, pushing, or running; always swim with a friend; do not play with drain covers; an adult must be present when using the pool.
If you have a pool in your backyard but your children do not yet know how to swim, it may be a good idea to consider swimming lessons. You may teach them yourself in your own pool or pay for swimming lessons elsewhere, but it will make your swimming experience much safer and more relaxing knowing that everyone knows how to swim.
For over 46 years, we’ve been the pool builders of choice for home and business owners in North Carolina. No pool company has more customers, more experience or more expertise than Rising Sun Pools. There’s no pool construction, design or renovation project that we haven’t encountered (and solved)! Contact us today!