Commercial Pool Renovations

Did You Know RSP Does Commercial Pool Renovations?

Did you know Rising Sun Pools has a full commercial pool renovation department? Rising Sun pools handles everything from inspections to repairs to upgrades. Time is of the essence! Leverage the off-season to prepare, repair, and improve your commercial pool.

For all commercial pool renovation inquiries, please reach out to Vincent Soto at or 919-851-9700 ext. 246.

Signs It’s Time To Upgrade a Commercial Pool

Your commercial pool isn’t just a feature—it’s the heart of your business. Whether it’s a bustling public hotspot or an elegant retreat within your luxury hotel, ensuring its appeal and safety is crucial to maintaining your reputation and profitability. But how do you know when it’s time for a complete makeover?

Here are the five signs it’s time to take the leap and renovate your commercial pool this off-season:

  • Rough Plaster & Stains: Noticeable wear and unsightly stains can turn away guests faster than you can imagine. Don’t let these damages mar your customers’ experience. Addressing them promptly preserves the value of your investment.
  • Deck Damage: Worn-out pool decks can pose risks and spoil the ambiance. Whether it’s water collection zones or stained decking, these issues demand immediate attention to ensure a safe and inviting environment.
  • Lacking Amenities: Transform your pool into a haven with additional amenities like spas, stylish lounges, or even a trendy poolside bar. Landscaping and shading can work wonders in creating a captivating atmosphere.
  • High Energy Bills: Are your pool’s electric bills draining your budget? Skyrocketing energy costs are a telltale sign that your pool system needs some work. By swapping out your outdated equipment for new, energy efficient equipment, you’ll save yourself a pretty penny.
  • Safety Issues: Concerned about the safety of your equipment? Rising Sun Pools can inspect your electrical and make recommendations to convert your pool to the safest options available today.
  • sundeck - Rising Sun Pools

    Perks of off-season commercial pool repair

    When temperatures dip and you close your pool for the off-season, it’s the perfect time to make any necessary repairs (or fully remodel) your commercial pool.

    There are several benefits of repairing your pool during the off-season:

  • Uninterrupted guest enjoyment
  • Freedom to spend plenty of time planning & designing
  • More readily available materials
  • Fewer delays & timely completion
  • Cost savings
  • Rising Sun Pools – Raleigh, NC Pool Renovation Experts

    At Rising Sun Pools, we’re renowned for crafting breathtaking residential pools. But did you know? Our expertise extends to commercial swimming areas, too! Let our team elevate your pool to unmatched levels of allure and safety.

    Want to see examples of our work? For more information, reach out to Vincent Soto at 919-851-9700 ext. 246 or

    Turn your commercial pool into a magnet for guests and profits with Rising Sun Pools. It’s time to make a splash!
    *We do not maintain commercial pools. We do not provide lifeguard support for commercial pools.

    Fill out the form to request a service

    Service Request Form

    This form is available on the Commercial Pool Renovations page for service requests.