As spring blossoms, it brings not only beauty but also challenges, especially for pool owners grappling with pollen. At Rising Sun Pools & Spas, we understand these seasonal hurdles and offer effective strategies to maintain your pool’s pristine condition.
To combat pollen in your pool, five key steps are crucial: 1) Use a pool cover when not in use, acting as a barrier against pollen. 2) Run your pool filter more frequently, filtering out most pollen. 3) Utilize a fine-mesh skimmer for daily surface cleaning. 4) Employ chemicals like aluminum sulfate to bind and remove fine pollen. 5) Regularly shock your pool to eliminate bacteria and debris. These measures effectively prevent pollen buildup, ensuring a clean and inviting pool.
Read on to discover more detailed insights on each of these steps and learn how Rising Sun Pools & Spas can assist you in effortlessly navigating the pollen season for a sparkling, hassle-free pool experience.
The first step is to cover your pool whenever it is not in use. A pool’s cover is the first line of defense against pollen. That physical barrier will keep most of the pollen from ever getting in your pool water to begin with, eliminating the need for further pool maintenance.
The next step is to run your pool filter a lot more than usual. You may even consider running it all day and night. Depending on the type and size of pollen, you can count on your filter to remove most of it. However, some pollen is so small it will just go right through your filter and back into the pool, requiring further pool maintenance.
You will need to frequently use a skimmer to skim your pool’s surface. Skim your pool at least once every day and maybe twice a day during the heavy pollen times. Your regular skimmer will be useless because the pollen is so small that it will go right through, so you will need a fine-mesh skimmer that can pick up the pollen. Be sure to watch the waterline – The pollen can mix with bacteria and cause staining at the water line if not removed.
For the pollen that is too small to be caught by the filter, adding aluminum sulfate can help. Aluminate sulfate will bind with the pollen and cause the pollen to clump together, making it easier for you to skim off manually. You should be able to remove most of the pollen with your fine-mesh skimmer so it never reaches the pool filter. But for the small amount of pollen that does manage to reach the filter, the aluminum sulfate will also help your filter to grab the pollen.
You will want to shock your pool sometime during the pollen season because unwanted bacteria and other debris will find your pool more attractive due to the pollen. Shock your pool and follow up with a good manual vacuuming to prevent further pool maintenance.
The pollen season will require extra pool maintenance for pool owners, but fortunately, the problem is usually over in a couple of months. If you need help with your seasonal pool maintenance, Rising Sun Pools can complete pool maintenance for you on a regular basis, or help get your backyard oasis looking perfect before your next party or event! Choose from weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or one-time pool cleaning services. Visit our website or contact us today for more info!