Water Conservation Tips for Your Pool

One concern of many pool owners is water conservation. While pools are meant for fun and enjoyment, there’s still an opportunity to practice good conservation habits with your pool, helping the environment as well as your water bill.

Keep these water conservation tips in mind year-round:

  1. Use a pool cover. Using a cover helps reduce the amount of evaporation that naturally occurs in a pool. Left uncovered a pool can lose more than half of its water over the course of a year, but when a cover is used, evaporation can be reduced by about 90%.
  2. Lower the water level. This will help prevent unnecessary splash-out while the pool is in use. Also, remind children to be aware of too much splashing.
  3. Maintain proper chemical levels. By keeping your water properly balanced, it will ensure that you have cleaner, safer water that will not need to be drained as often. Also, keep in mind that the best time to add sanitizer to your pool is at night, as the sun quickens the dissipation of chlorine.
  4. Keep the filter clean. Remember to keep your filter clean and only backwash when necessary. When you must, only backwash long enough for the water in the sight glass to run clean. To prevent it from going to waste, you can use backwash water to water plants or your lawn.
  5. Lower the temperature. To help lessen evaporation, lower the temperature on pool heaters or heat pumps, especially when the pool is not in use.
  6. Check for leaks. There’s a difference between normal evaporation and leaks that are causing your pool to lose water. If you think your pool might have a leak, you can do a simple bucket test to determine whether you’re experiencing normal evaporation or something more.
  7. Use strategic landscaping. By placing plants and shrubs strategically around your pool, you can help cut down on wind evaporation.
  8. Be mindful of water features. Consider turning off fountains, waterfalls, etc. when the pool is not in use or set them up on timers to turn off at designated times.

We hope this helps you in your water conservation efforts. Have questions about evaporation? We’ve got you covered!